The years schedule
Where I plan to visit
The 1st stop:
The 1st stop:
Cancun, Mexico May 4th.
I will be staying at one of the local hostels in the city and traveling around both tourist and non tourist areas, live streaming the whole event, join me follow me on Kick. click here
The list below is in no firm order, I will announce in a kick live stream on the Wednesday before I travel where I will be going. The order will depend on factors such as weather, distance and events happening that weekend.
If you know the area and want to suggest a challenge I must complete during my visit, please use the form on the challeneg page to suggest it to me.
The list below is in no firm order, I will announce in a kick live stream on the Wednesday before I travel where I will be going. The order will depend on factors such as weather, distance and events happening that weekend.
If you know the area and want to suggest a challenge I must complete during my visit, please use the form on the challeneg page to suggest it to me.
I need 52 cities , and 52 challenges! If you have an idea for a city or a challenge. Let me know by clicking here
The map above is interactive, as I visit each location I will turn that pin red. The Yellow pin will show the location I am heading to or am currently at clicking on the pin will bring up a photo of the location with me in it as proof.